What Is Orange?
Orange is a color that is important to us as we think about partnering with parents. It symbolizes health. It is the color of safety and awareness. Orange is the result of combining two primary colors; yellow and red. When you see orange you see how two combined influences make a greater impact than just two influences. At Zion, orange is what happens when you combine the influence of the church with the work of parents.
Zion is committed to partnering with parents to disciple the next generation effectively. When the light of the church collides with the warmth of the home a strategy is born that reactivates God's design for the family. Zion wants to use our 40 hours a year with your children to enable you to maximize your 3000 hours. Let us join you on their journey.
How do we partner with parents?
1. Sunday Kids Church- On Sunday mornings kids are discipled by caring adults who want to help them understand that all of the Bible points us to Jesus. We've chosen a curriculum with corresponding resources (Devotional Books, Story Book Bible, Memory Verses, Take Home Pages) that families can use in the home during the week.
2. Monthly Family Gathering- On the first Sunday of the month elementary aged students join us during our worship gathering. This gives them and chance to watch their parent(s) engage in worshipping God in song and responding to Him through the teaching of His Word.
3. Safe and Loving Nursery and PreSchool- From birth, until the time they are ready to go to school, kids will hear the simple truths of the Bible at their level as caring and nurturing volunteers come alongside of parents to help lay the foundations of the Bible.
3. Child Dedication- When a parent is ready, they can publicly commit to becoming the primary disciple-makers for their kids as they "give them back" to the Lord publicly.
4. Summer Camp- The highlight of the year for countless kids over the years, our Kids/PreTeen Camp provides a week away for boys and girls where they can continue to be discipled in a fun-filled environment.
Contact your campus pastor to discover opportunities and resources to train up your child in the way they should go. You can do it- Zion can help.