Life Groups

“Life change happens in circles, not in rows.”
~ Andy Stanley

The “church” is not a building, a denomination, or a business organization. It’s a family of people who agree about Jesus. At Zion, we believe that the family needs to gather together on the weekend in our worship gatherings, but we also believe the family should scatter around the community and meet in small groups during the week. We call these small groups Life Groups.

Belonging to a Group

Every disciple of Jesus needs a church home, and we also need a small group of other disciples for support and encouragement. We believe that spiritual growth happens as we gather regularly with a few other disciples, and when we meet, our goals are simple:

  • To share each other’s hurts and triumphs.
  • To pray for one another.
  • To know one another.
  • To be accountable to others.
  • To study God's word.
  • To encourage one another.
  • … and more.

Hosting Your Own Group

Want to see life change happen in your living room? Pray now about hosting a Life Group. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar. You don’t have to be an expert in leadership. We’re looking for people to host groups who…

  1. Have a heart for people.
  2. Open their home or find another meeting spot.
  3. Serve a snack or set the table for conversation.
  4. Turn on a video or lead a discussion with curriculum we can provide.

We will also provide you with FREE access to RightNow Media‘s gigantic library (over 5,000 videos) of Bible study resources. You can log in, look at what’s available, and let us know what you’d like to use and we’ll guide you step-by-step through the process. Preview the RightNow library here:

Hosting a Life Group is a great way to help people discover and grow in Christ, develop community, and expand the reach of the church. It can be one of the most rewarding things you could consider doing. And hosting your own group or helping others to start one is something you can do!

Read the following information and fill out the form below to start the conversation.

When and how often should we meet?

Life Groups can meet weekly or bi-weekly and allow for missing weeks now and then when group members are scattered. The time is up to the group. Many groups find Friday, Saturday or Sunday evenings to be the best time, but groups can meet any day, morning, afternoon, or evening. We’re flexible!

Can we meet somewhere besides a home?

Absolutely! In fact, we encourage groups to launch in workplaces, break rooms, coffee shops, and wherever else people can meet. Often, groups that meet somewhere other than a home have an advantage when it comes to involving people who aren’t part of the church.

What do we do about kids?

Some groups hire a babysitter and divide the cost. Others let kids play in another room. It’s really up to the group. Zion doesn’t currently provide childcare for Life Groups, but we’ve found that most groups can have a great meeting even when kids are playing in a room nearby. Further, we love the idea of kids seeing their parents engaging with others in Bible study – it’s a great example to set!

Can people attend my group who don’t attend Zion Church?

Definitely! This is one of the best ways to grow and expand our reach. We are careful not to try to “recruit” people already involved in other churches, but when someone is not connected to a church, we want to include them in ours!

Ready to get connected? Fill out the form below.

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Sundays at 10:30am