Discipleship Part 2: Spiritually Dead
March 1, 2015 Speaker: Trent Kirkland Series: Discipleship
Topic: Discipleship
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Everyone is Born Spiritually Dead. Ephesians 2:1
Spiritually dead people live only for themselves. Ephesians 2:2-3
We can only be made alive through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:4-5
What do the Spiritally Dead look like?
- Unbelief
- Rebellion
Don't be surprised when spiritualld dead people act dead!
How can we identify someone in this stage?
The "Phrase from the Stage"
- "I believe there is a God. That's good enough"
- "I go to church."
- "God is just a crutch."
- "There are many ways to get to God."
- "There is no hell because God is a God of love."
- "I have been a good person, so I will be okay."
- "There is no absolute right or wrong."
What do the spiritually dead need?
- A clear explanation of The Gospel. 1 Peter 3:15
- To see the gospel living out. - "proximity increases potency"
- Answers to their Spiritual Questions.
- An invitation to follow Jesus.
When you are in a relationship with someone who is spitiually dead they need you to SHARE with them....
- Share your life. - This was Jesus' model. Luke 5:27-32, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 11:37-42
- Share your Personal Testimony. Paul's model from Acts 26 - before, how, after
- Share the Gospel.
In what ways can you SHARE with those you know to be "far from God" (spiritually dead)?
Take time to thank God for the person(s) who were instrumental in helping you move from "death" to "life."
In closing to make disciples, we must first be disciples.
Therefore, ask yourself....
- How am I sharing my life with people who are far from God?
- Can I clearly share with others how I became a follower of Jesus?
- Can I explain the gospel to someone enough to help them become a follower of Jesus?
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