Discipleship Resources

Disciple Life Pathway

The following is a tool. It is intended to provide Spiritual Parents and those they are discipling a clear path they can follow. It is not designed as a checklist to mark off. Rather, it’s a journey to take together. During the journey of growth, the need for additional steps, studies, and resources will inevitably arise. Spiritual Parents are encouraged to listen closely to the needs of those they disciple and respond with wisdom and discernment. However, we believe these steps, studies, and resources will help any disciple of Jesus move through all of the stages of discipleship.

-The Elder Team


Spiritually Dead…

Spiritual Infant...

Spiritual Child...

Spiritual Young Adult...

Spiritual Parent...

  • Meet regularly with other Spiritual Parents
  • Disciple 1-3 people through the Disciple Life Path stages
  • Continue for a lifetime

 More Discipleship Resources

  • You can access the entire Life Pathway above.  Click on Discipleship Life Pathway .
  • Don't forget to go to the Messages tab to hear the Disciple Life Sermon Series.  Click here for the series booklet with all the blanks completed.
  • Note: This page is under construction.  Stay tuned for more resources coming soon!


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