Disciple Life Pathway
The following is a tool. It is intended to provide Spiritual Parents and those they are discipling a clear path they can follow. It is not designed as a checklist to mark off. Rather, it’s a journey to take together. During the journey of growth, the need for additional steps, studies, and resources will inevitably arise. Spiritual Parents are encouraged to listen closely to the needs of those they disciple and respond with wisdom and discernment. However, we believe these steps, studies, and resources will help any disciple of Jesus move through all of the stages of discipleship.
-The Elder Team
Spiritually Dead…
- Read "How Good is Good Enough" by Andy Stanley- http://tinyurl.com/GoodEnoughStanley
- Read “Finding Your Way Back to God” by Dave and Jon Ferguson- http://tinyurl.com/FindWayFerguson
- Listen to a clear explanation of the gospel- http://tinyurl.com/3CirclesVideo
- Watch someone living out their faith
- Repent and Believe the gospel
Spiritual Infant...
- Agree to learn from a Spiritual Parent
- Go public as a follower of Jesus by being baptized- https://cpmfiles1.com/zionlife.com/baptism-pdf.pdf
- Receive Communion with a Spiritual Parent
- Work through "How to Have a Meaningful Quiet Time" with your Spiritual Parent- http://tinyurl.com/MyQuietTime
- Read, journal and discuss the books of John, Genesis, and James- https://tinyurl.com/HEARjournal
- Talk weekly with your Spiritual Parent about your time with God
- Read "Firmly Planted" by Robert Gallaty with your Spiritual Parent- http://tinyurl.com/FirmlyPlantedGallaty
- Practice praying out loud with others
- Learn to share your Personal Testimony- http://tinyurl.com/PersonalTestimony
- Learn to share the gospel- http://tinyurl.com/ShareGospel
- Commit to a Life Group/intentional community within the Body
Spiritual Child...
- Read through the New Testament with your Spiritual Parent- http://tinyurl.com/90DaysNT
- Work through "Gospel Centered Life" Study- http://tinyurl.com/GospelCenteredLife
- Complete "Personal Discipleship Plan" and work through it with your Spiritual Parent- http://tinyurl.com/MyDiscipleshipPlan
- Talk weekly about your PDP with your Spiritual Parent
- Take Spiritual Gifts Inventory and “test drive” ministry within the church- http://www.spiritualgiftstest.com/test/adult
- Join a Ministry Team
- Work through “Giving at Zion” document and begin to practice biblical giving- http://zionlife.com/generosity
- Work through Membership Covenant with your Spiritual Parent- https://cpmfiles1.com/zionlife.com/membership-covenant-11-13.pdf
- Become a Covenant Member at Zion
Spiritual Young Adult...
- Read through the Old Testament with your Spiritual Parent
- Work through "Multiply" with your Spiritual Parent- https://multiplymovement.com
- Work through “Radical” by David Platt- http://tinyurl.com/RadicalPlatt
- Work through "Christian Beliefs" by Wayne Grudem- http://tinyurl.com/BeliefsGrudem
- Identify and articulate your personal mission in the community- http://tinyurl.com/JesusMission
- Take the lead in some type of ministry or mission project
- Become an Apprentice Leader on a Ministry Team
- Go on a Short Term Mission Trip- http://tinyurl.com/DoShortTermWell
- Participate in Real Life Discipleship Training- http://tinyurl.com/RealLifeDiscipleTraining
Spiritual Parent...
- Meet regularly with other Spiritual Parents
- Disciple 1-3 people through the Disciple Life Path stages
- Continue for a lifetime
More Discipleship Resources
- You can access the entire Life Pathway above. Click on Discipleship Life Pathway .
- Don't forget to go to the Messages tab to hear the Disciple Life Sermon Series. Click here for the series booklet with all the blanks completed.
- Note: This page is under construction. Stay tuned for more resources coming soon!